
Showing posts from August, 2017

Prompt: Breaking Up with Writer's Block

This piece was originally written May 29, 2014. Breaking Up With Writer's Block It's time for you and Writer's Block to part ways. Write a letter breaking up with Writer's Block, starting out with, "Dear Writer's Block, it's not you, it's me..." ____________________________ Dearest Writer's Block, It's not you, it's me... I know it's cliché as ever to say that, but that's what you've brought me to... over-used clichés, similes, and metaphors... I've been reduced to tired old writings that have no spark, no imagination, no drive, and definitely no passion. I miss our passion, Writer's Block, what happened? I feel like you've become this hulking shadow in my life, draining me of energy, draining me of time, and draining me of lust. Yes, lust. Writer's Block, remember when lust drove us to late nights in our bedroom, the glow of the computer screen and the soft rhythmic tapping of fingers acr